The third eye, the eye of Horus, « seat of the soul » according to Descartes, the pineal gland plays an essential role in the neurological activity which regulates sleep, dreams and dream imagery. Source of neurotransmitters altering conscience, it is implicated in the creation of dream states, known as activated sleep.
It emits signals inducing sleep, awakening and action. These messages are intimately linked to our « moods » and our way of apprehending the woken world.
The steep relief and the irregular rhythm of these crests
have been transformed into a simple and geometric line,
when the stone turns into rough metal.
Lines inspired by the metal work of Josef Hoffmann, with straight and pure abstract forms, in the spirit of cubism. Evocation of his designs, which ally functionality and simplicity to refined production details.
The quantum leap is attractive… That it does not apply to our scale might be a chance to take advantage from the journey.
The first rays of sun appear,
light beams dissipating the stars,
premises of dawn.
Somewhere between land and water,
without precise borders, drawn in by the undertow,
the mind is wandering.
When the Sun plays with the Moon
The Sun has a date with the Moon, but he would rather play hide and seek. Here comes the eclipse, daylight skilfully carved.
The Eclipse collection addresses this phenomenon in a poetic fashion: in a re ned duet of silver and vermeil, a chiselled halo circles a nely hammered Moon.
Where Heaven meets Earth
The serene strength and the deep brilliance of the sea at night, the early morning mist wrapped around Asian landscapes, insulators running along the electric lines hanging above railway tracks ...
These natural or urban landscapes, far away or close to home, are at the heart of the Horizon collection. The dark shimmer of a row of pearls – moonstones, red spinels, anthracites – is enclosed in a silver or vermeil frame, putting the mythical horizon line at the centre of attention.
Castor & Pollux
Sparkling or consistent, pale or dazzling: just like the stars, brightness is never the same.
The twins lending their name to the Gemini constellation, Castor with a white glow and Pollux with a yellow-orange hue are two of the brightest stars in the sky.